Thursday, June 30, 2011

Half way there!

Big News: Today I won the new Britax B-Agile stroller from I am soo excited. 

This week I am 20 weeks.

Lately I feel like no matter how much I sleep I am still tired. I had hoped this would get better in the second trimester but so far it hasn't. I have been feeling the baby move more and more which is exciting. Mike really wants to feel it but it isn't strong enough yet.  Yesterday I had some weird stinging type pain near my cervix so I called the Dr and the nurse said it was normal and as long as I didn't have any pain or bleeding it isn't anything to worry about. It;s nice to be able to call and check in on stuff like that.

It seems like most women get to 20 weeks and feel more relaxed and mark it as a milestone. For me it feels like the beginning of being more nervous. I am glad I have Dr. Appointments every 2 weeks but 2 weeks can feel kind of long sometimes. I think I won't feel relaxed until at least 28 weeks.

After much debate Mike and I have finally decided on a name for this little boy.
Caleb Michael Haight